God Wants Me To Be A Sacrifice??

  • Reading time:2 mins read

“Live consistent with who you really are, inspired by the loving kindness of God. My brothers, the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice; this pleases him more than any religious routine. He desires to find visible, individual expression in your person,” Romans 12:1 (Mirror Bible).
I love this translation of this verse! Sometimes it can get heavy wondering what kind of “living sacrifice” we are supposed to be. Are we supposed to suffer? The word sacrifice seems like a scary thing for God to ask us to be! What’s the deal?
But if you look at the end of the verse, it becomes more clear. God desires to “find visible, individual expression in your person.” God is not asking you to lay everything down. Jesus already did that for us. He’s only asking you to let him be part of your life. He had very specific desires when he created you as an individual. You can give him something that no one else in the world can give him. When he thought of you, he imagined what life would be like WITH you. He joyfully planned out who you would become so that he could be IN you and flow through you in a unique way. THAT is the sacrifice we can give God. We can embrace who he created us to be. We can look at Jesus to find our true identity. Whatever you have in your heart to do, do it to glorify him! That could be your job. It could be your creative talents. It could be taking care of your family or loving the person in front of you. Don’t over-think it! He desires to live life with you. This is your true act of worship to him! And being a “living sacrifice” couldn’t be easier or more fun!