Pastors and Patriots Podcast
Hosts: Pastor Rodger Frievalt and Deano Handt
Description: The mission of the Pastors and Patriots podcast is to provide revelation through the Word of God on a large spectrum of topics related to freedom and liberty. We believe in the reconciliation of the United States to its original place in the world as “one nation under God.” We believe that it is the responsibility of the Body of Christ to be the Light shining through the darkness. We hope that you are encouraged and that your faith is built up while listening to this podcast.
Bravo Mindset Podcast
Hosts: Pastor Rodger Frievalt and Corey Klepp
Description: Bravo Mindset is a CRISIS MANAGEMENT company that provides professional trainings in the security and firearms world. Our mission is to lead your mindset into condition one readiness as we provide trainings to prepare your way of thinking whether you are faced with crisis avoidance or a physical threat that faces you, your family or community.